October #PFFL of the Month
/Naa Quaye (aka Nkay)
Buffalo, NY
Late 20s
Singer, Songwriter,
"The biggest step I took was actually taking the first one"
What is your current goal?
Right now I hope that my fashion and lifestyle blog will continue to grow and reach a larger audience in the next coming months. I want to incorporate a shop feature on my blog so that clients can shop for items I wear, and shop for clothing from my brand. As far as my music, I would like to take it to the next level - recording an album, performing at local spots, and collaborating with other artists in my area. I love music and fashion, so I can't have one without the other! It's just not possible!
What was the most difficult thing for you to fit into your life?
The most difficult thing to fit into my life while striving to achieve my goals, is finding the right place for me to settle and plant my seed. I've done a lot of traveling over the past few years which is something I love but I had to take a step back in order to move a step forward. I found it difficult to build a foundation when I constantly kept moving from city to city. So now, I have planted my seed in Buffalo, NY because it's a city that's growing in the world of fashion and the arts, and it's between two major fashion hubs - Toronto and New York City. I have big plans for next year that involves these great places, so I'm excited for that!
What steps did you take to Fit Your Life Into Your Life?
The biggest step I took was actually taking the first one. There was a period of time where I focused on other parts of my life, when in actuality I wasn't living my life at all. I woke up one day and said to myself, "What are you doing with yourself? You need to make a change." And I did just that. I started doing research on careers in fashion and music. Anything that had to do with the creative arts was something I knew I had to be a part of. Blogging, photography, designing, you name it. The world of the arts has always been my calling and that is exactly what I am doing with my life now. It all starts with you.
How has Jemia and Fit Your Life Into Your Life℠ impacted you?
Jemia continues to inspire me in so many ways. The steps she's taken to build and grow her career is incredibly motivating. Women should always empower other women, and she does such a great job of doing just that! I can't wait to work and network with her in the future!
What is one tip that you have for women to achieve their goals?
The best advice I can give any woman is to follow your heart, because its the only thing that will guide you. I used to let the fear of the unknown control my life. Once you find your passion, your life will never be the same again. Work hard at whatever it is, network, connect with people. Have those business cards ready! Never sell yourself short or think that your vision is too small - never give up. If I listened to all those people who told me I couldn't do music or fashion, I wouldn't be where I am today. Stay focused, keep praying, and dress the way you want to be addressed :)